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Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction, ends up being the biggest step of your life.


A visit to church for the first time can be intimidating. At Central Baptist Church of Pontoon Beach/Granite City, you will find a friendly place where you will feel at home. Greeters are located at the front entrance and will be happy to answer your questions and direct you to where you need to go.

A typical service will consist of traditional congregational songs and special singing followed by clear, challenging Bible preaching. The service is concluded with an invitation to make personal decisions to follow Christ or to walk more closely with Him.


No matter your stage in life, we have a place for you!

First Visit Plan


We’re so glad you’ve decided to visit us!  You’ll find a list of commonly questions.  

Please don’t hesitate to send us a message or give us a call at (618) 931-0964.


Where do I park?


Visitors may find a spot located in the parking lot next to the church. 



Child Care


We provide a first-class nursery and childcare for your newborn or baby, where they will be kept safe and well supervised. 



What should I wear?


There is not a strict dress code to attend our public services.  We’re more concerned with meeting your needs than focusing on what you wear.  A majority of our church members will wear their “Sunday best”- men in dress shirt, slacks, and a tie, and women in a modest dress or outfit.  However we only ask that you be appropriate in what you choose to wear to church.



Call Central Baptist Church at 618-931-0964, let us know your name and address, and we will be glad to pick you up. 

We look forward to having you as our guest!



3940 Highway 111
Pontoon Beach, IL 62040





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